I learned some new tricks, with my only master, Envy. He rocks, check his tunes also. If you guys have noticed, in my 2 new songs (Star Hopper and Journey to the Sun) both use a lot of sidechaining and gliding. I learned reverse cymbals recently too haha, but i want to know more. If happen to know any new effect that could boost my tunes, or an advice to make them better, please tell me. I'll be eternally grateful... and check your tunes. Hope you enjoy them, and I'll try very hard from now on, 'cause my number one fan, is a very special girl, who really motivates me when I need, and I couldn't have done the last one without her motivation.
And here's a little tribute to my favourite techno band of all times, my two sweet little robots, Daft Punk. Hail Daft Punk! I hope they launch a new album soon... =(
Please, help me with your comments!! Once again, very grateful for all help possible.
Peace out, Dr. Slump, AKA "DJ Bozzi Bozzo"